To ensure that everyone enjoys their experience here, we ask that all visitors abide by our Rules & Regulations.
*Sorry no dogs allowed*
Each ticket here at Woodburn Fishery has a time limit, please adhere to the time limit for your ticket.
Per rod limit. All caught fish will count and no fish may be returned to the resevoir unless you have a ‘Catch & Release’ ticket.
On reaching your ‘per rod’ limit, the rod must come out of the water. Alternatively, you can buy an additional ticket to give you more time.
Fish caught over your limit will be charged on a £5 per lb basis. Bag limits and finishing times must be adhered to.
All trout taken MUST be weighed in and recorded in the record book located in the reception before leaving the fishery.
Only worms and maggots can be used as bait on the bait pond.
The following are not permitted:
No Booby’s allowed or indicators with hooks allowed on fly loch.
We care about the environment here at Woodburn Fishery, and ask that you do too. Please take home, or bin any discarded line, litter and hooks. All these items can cause injury to wildlife or other people.
Anyone found littering will be asked to leave the fishery.
Our Trout are of very highy quality and we care for them. Once hooked please enjoy the fight and dispatch the fish in a timely manner to reduce its stress. On a catch and release ticket fish should not be over played and should be returned as quickly as possible.
All brown trout are to be returned to the water safely, these trout are irreplaceable.
Please do take your pictures and return the trout quickly and safely to the water.
All trout over 6lbs must be returned.
You MUST dip your landing net in the disinfectant bucket provided on fishery.
No cooking, gutting or preparation of fish is allowed on site.
A full list of rules and regulations are on the back of your permit. Please familiarise yourself with the rules. These are also available at the fishery and can be provided on request.